The sustainable processing of waste is one of the significant challenges facing our generation. At CleanBay Renewables, we are creating sustainable infrastructure by naturally reusing byproducts from the poultry industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve our environment, and provide for the future.

The 9 billion broiler chickens raised in the U.S. annually produce 14 million tons of litter.

Uncontrolled poultry litter releases nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas with 300 times the impact of CO2.

Uncontrolled poultry litter produces nitrogen and phosphorus runoff, which lead to algae blooms that pollute our waterways and create dead zones.

Today, over 15,000 bodies of water in the U.S. are affected.
The Challenge
Farmers across the U.S. need an economical way to dispose of agricultural waste, while also improving the soil to fuel an increase in production. Communities need an economic boost and want access to an abundant, renewable energy supply.
The Solution
CleanBay Renewables is currently developing a U.S. portfolio of anaerobic digestion and nutrient recovery facilities. At full capacity, each plant is designed to recycle more than 150,000 tons of chicken litter annually into renewable natural gas and natural fertilizer.

At full capacity, each facility will create 26 new high-paying full-time jobs in the area, in addition to hundreds of indirect jobs in construction and supply-chain needs.

At full capacity, each facility will produce ≥750,000 MMBTUs of renewable natural gas, creating enough energy for over 11,000 homes.

At full capacity, the clean energy produced at each facility can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 1,000,000 tons of CO2e annually, equivalent to taking 217,480 passenger vehicles off the road each year.

Each facility operating at full capacity can produce more than 100,000 tons of natural, controlled-release fertilizer with humic acid for farmers in our watershed to better meet the region’s agricultural needs and reduce phosphorous runoff.
If you would like more information about what we do, please contact us using the button below.